Carol Cunnington

50 years at WSD as pupil, friend, helper and mother.Little did I realise when I started taking ballet lessons at Stamford High School with Mrs Mitchell-Smith in 1964 that in 2014 (50 years later!) I would still be going to classes at the Welland.
I would still be going to classes at the Welland. Dance has always been my passion and I feel privileged to have had fantastic teachers who gave me the chance to dance and that I can count them amongst my friends.
I have fabulous memories of ballet, tap, modern and jazz classes. They were always a lot of fun even though we worked hard. The School shows have always been something special, I have loved being a part of each and every one of them, performing in many of them and always helping backstage. There have been so many brilliant dances but I think Spiders and Hunters are my favourite ones. I was an original Spider! I feel really proud that I was part of the Spiders, it was quite challenging, dark and menacing. We often used to come across little groups of the younger girls backstage trying to imitate us. Hunters was a totally different type of dance but holds quite special memories in that not only was I in it but so was my son Jamie and he had to lift the young fawn caught by the hunters – and the young fawn just happened to be Miss Purr. Jamie went on to study Musical Theatre at Laine Theatre Arts, I’m so proud of him!
Apart from shows, there have been numerous dance displays, sponsored dances, taking part in the Millenium show held on the meadows. There has been a lot of fun and laughter over the years, meeting some great people and making lots of friends. Let’s hope I can keep going for a few more years because the WSD is where I feel at home.
Oh, and it’s been great being Aunty Carol to hundreds of children (and some not quite so young)!