Adult Ballet

Adult ballet is an unset ballet class recommended for adults who have danced to an Intermediate level when they were younger and would like to get back into it.

Enrol Online Timetable
Adult Ballet

The class constitutes free work, starting off with a warm-up, barre work, centre practice and finishing with more complex allegro (jump) combinations. 

The class is a friendly group, and we always welcome new faces, men and women of any age. Beginners who have never danced before are advised to try the Wednesday evening General Ballet class. However, some beginners/improvers do attend the Monday Adult Ballet class if they cannot come on a Wednesday, and they are always welcome because the teacher can differentiate and offer more simplified versions of the same exercise.

You can enrol and pay for Drop-In classes online using the link at the top of this page. You will need to create a Welland Portal account to do so. You are also able to purchase a 5 or 10 Class Dance Pass on your Portal account.

There is no set uniform for adult classes. Some adults do wear leotard and tights and ballet shoes, whilst others feel more comfortable in tight fitting t-shirt and leggings or gym wear. We do recommend you purchase ballet shoes if you know you will be attending regularly as it can be quite hard to turn or jump bare foot. 



The class is a friendly group, and we always welcome new faces, men and women of any age. Beginners who have never danced before are advised to try the Wednesday evening General Ballet class.


60 min


For greater results we would recomend at least 2 lessons per week, as a combination of any other adult class and adult advanced ballet class.


£7.50 per lesson


You can enrol and pay for Drop-In classes online using the link at the top of this page. You will need to create a Welland Portal account to do so. You are also able to purchase a 5 or 10 Class Dance Pass on your Portal account. There is also a WSD App which you can use to enrol in Drop-In classes going forward.

*MONDAY ADULET BALLET* If you are coming to this class for the first time then please message our Head of Ballet on 07921 213024 as this class runs on an ad-hoc basis and we'd hate anyone to turn up on a non-class day
  Upstairs Studio 1, Broad Street Downstairs Studio 2, Broad Street
Monday 1:00 - 2:00 pm (Miss Purr) -
Tuesday - -
Wednesday - -
Thursday - -
Friday - -
Saturday - -
Sunday - -
1. Beginners Welcome
2. Intermediate Level
3. Live Pianist, £4 surcharge per term
4. Potential swap of studio every week
5. Can go into Studio 1 at 6:40pm